Quantum Memories

July prompt: stones and bones hide memories

Era Garg
2 min readAug 8, 2022


Image by the writer

Quantum reality, DNA dots in the cosmos we are. The shell shrivels, flesh decays and bones survive — piled among stones on the riverbank. Consequence of a calamity, or a testimony of bloodshed and massacre decades ago. An instinctive thread forever lurking in dark recesses of minds to supercede fellow human beings — yearning to wipe out the surviving bloodlines — keeping ferocious flames licking, to engulf a whole civilization sometimes. Nature’s eyewitnesses preserve the scenes intact—unwashed by flowing moments, impervious to fires of time.

Lotuses bloom in the lakes — shine, wither and waste, fortunate to have floating roots — no fear of being uprooted like the humans flourishing on land. Bullied; flushed out to places with no soil to germinate anew. Cauterized by footprints of the tremors, the treachery, the turbulence, ashen faces huddled in the attics of wooden houses — frozen corpses tied together and drowned after mutilation. Macabre memories of savagery — saved in pores of lifeless stones by the riverside.

Those copious autumn colours, ceaseless spring blossoms, script of snowflakes gone. Now no more garlands, gardens, heavenly vibes — mere dreams adhered to refugee’s stamp — perched on the unfriendly boughs of the continent— faceless demonstrations, inked reminders of human rights — splashing on waters of defiled sensibilities. Deflated hopes subliminally ruminating logic of events— consumed by rage boiling inside the bones. Are the murdered ones luckier than those left behind — who knows.

Cedarwood doors of the houses languish beneath — green mossy memories sprung up slashing their core one day, ribbons of murky light pervade abandoned houses where no soul stays — mourning fresh, sunny days and crisp, snowy nights. Chilled tombstones hide skeletons seen off by loved ones. Yet valleys abound in unmarked, tactless stones and nameless bones strewn — numb fragments of forgotten identities— in the poke-marked landscapes smelling of death.

Galvanized by the trapped moments — the photons of energy disguise truths in layers of molecules. Tales of lost brethren, agony and pain, fear and deprivation — heard and told by inconsolable foggy faces, quantum memories of misspelt past, prickly present — cicatrices sprouting on the frazzled skins of future generations. Carved stone pillars of shrines quake without motion overhearing the voices sent towards sky — join cordially to pray for retrieving the bustling, harmonious times — embedded in their inanimate cosmic existence.

In response to the July prompt ‘Stones and Bones Hide Memories’ by Melissa Coffey in Scrittura.

Era Garg August 2022



Era Garg

An enthusiast balancing chemistry with pen & poetry, painting nature , exploring my identity in universe.