Scrittura Wednesday poetry prompt

Random Rhymes

and painful puns

Wry Welwood
Published in
4 min readSep 8, 2023


Sketch of head with scribbled hair.
Image by Elisa from Pixabay

This Wednesday’s prompt is about the frustrations of writing and expression thereof. The excerpt below was written when I felt frustrated by reading writers with thousands of claps and scads of comments, in the context of feeling I could not get my own writing off the ground in Medium. I initially submitted it to Scrittura but withdrew it as it sounded petulant and whining. I’ve overcome that reluctance in hope that it may prompt my siblings in ink to write of their own frustrations and/or use puns and random rhyme in that self expression. More on that later.

“I’m having a hard time writing…writing time is having a hard me…prolific to constipated, difficulty going, even when I’m flowing hard time getting read, like a sex worker who cannot get the claps or elicit comings of comments.

Heaving what seems a boulder off a high platform into the waders below, barely make a pebble’s splash even though not trying for cash…concentric ripples flatten to nil, a bitter pill…

A diet of others’ poetry engenders envy or sluggard’s flab, barely counting to amounting three digits on a sagging ab


This black stuff collects inside,
clouds up to obfuscate around
squid keeping out of arms’ dark…



Wry Welwood

Wise Old Man in training, writing about trauma, healing, nature, justice, humor, poems, stories and essays. Father, son, husband, brother, counselor. he/him/his