Roses and Sparrows

Era Garg
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2021

A Prose Poem

Illustration and photo by the author

Penumbra of memories anoint my substance smouldering in regretful fury, conceiving tremendous smudges from prismatic reverie
Peace uninhibited, elements pure bliss, celestials unveiling in dreamlike ecstasy, the days were unlisted taken up by kites; marbles; tree climbing and many more adventures in a spree
Half-knitted woollens looped on needles prodded and poked by sunny palms of housewomen in moments spared from housekeeping drudgery, were lovelier than greeting cards and chocolate craft posted in a flurry
Dogs; monkeys; crows; cows cohabitated with human beings since god created all souls from same matter and energy, at crumbs offered by grandfather before initiating his meal, a flutter of sparrows always pecked in a playful hurry,
A school of pigeons and a dule of doves nestled in niches of ‘roshandaan’ windows playing ventilators during summers; in winters being skylights, I glimpsed cooing; hatching; squabbling of birds overhead wide-eyed at three hundreds sixty degrees
A stalwart neem tree landscaping the garden was pruned yearly to feed passing herds of sheep bringing whiffs of mountain scents along as thanksgiving courtesy
An iridescent canopy of grapevine, a plantain tree, two of guava, two more of mango and woodapple each, creeping; climbing seasonal veggies, shrubs of florals scintillating the garden’s humble botany more tranquil than a zen insight and more enjoyable than a recreational gaiety
Passionately abundant in sylvan frontyard, climbing roses blossoming dense with fragrant pink inflorescence tickled by bees abuzz in glee,
Never felt, smelt those roses again still wafting past my olfactory senses hauntingly
After pecking uninvited fearlessly free, a shrill mindful chirp sparrows often bestowed on me
Those pink notes of ethereal aroma elevate my mind, charm of cherubic wings plucking heartstrings.

Footnote: ‘Roshandan’ in northern Indian dwellings was a combined feature useful as ventilating window in summer season and skylight in winters. Those numerous structures could accommodate nests sheltering 10–20 birds per house. People in those gone by days knew very well how to coexist rhyming with nature in a sustainable manner.

Semi-nomadic ‘Gaddis’, tribal inhabitants of Himalayas, descend during migration with their sheep and goats passing through various towns and villages for earning livelihood. While passing through our place we used to feed their livestock.

These words are penned in response to ‘missing’, Wednesday prompt by J.D. Harms in Scrittura. Thanks for invoking sentiments towards the missed I long for.

Era Garg , January 2021



Era Garg

An enthusiast balancing chemistry with pen & poetry, painting nature , exploring my identity in universe.