Round and Round

A Poem About The Stuff Of Life ~



It took eons upon eons
of bombardment and gravity
to reduce friction in the universe
and achieve relative harmony.

Human life unfolds much the same,
albeit on a smaller scale.
We abide myriad hardships and pain
before harmony can prevail.

Curiosity unravels the mystery of our star.
Ingenuity forged our progress thus far.

Intellect and necessity converged,
Resolution and innovation emerged.

Hope will keep us engaged.
Our spirit will keep us uncaged.

Dividends will be paid once war we abolish.
Kindness and respect pervade life that is guileless.

Love is our strongest yet most fragile emotion,
Deserving of reverence and unswerving devotion.

Round and round we go.
How we’ll fare,
Nobody knows.

Fundamental characteristics of the universe
are that it is beyond control and gravity driven.
If our planet’s fate is now too late to reverse.
Our egregious acts will be forever unforgiven.

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