Runaway Train

A poem

Dylan Skurka


Photo by Konstantin Planinski on Unsplash

My state of mind right now is a runaway train
Racing on fumes of uncontrollable anger
Its engines churn in a fierce cadence
Ringing in my ears, breaking the sound barrier

The window pane
Stained with hydraulic mist
Projects totems of neglect
Rotten oak, yellow grass
Shapeshifting phantasmagoric images
I wish I could forget

Picking up altitude
The conductor spews platitudes
Fasten your seatbelts, don’t stand up
I don’t listen
Fixing my eyes instead
On an expanding web
Of intersecting avenues

As panic ensues
I remind myself that choice is an illusion
All I have to do is sit back, close my eyes
Have faith I’m going the right way
And be one with the movement




Dylan Skurka

Just someone who likes writing about the philosophy of music and the music of philosophy.