Safe Place

Scrittura Saturday Prompt : Exaggeration

Aparna Das Sadhukhan


Photo by Callie Gibson on Unsplash

Watching inmates in this mad house play
gives me hope
tearing robes, scraping skin, glassy eyes
waiting for Godot
fools paradise
this mad house gives me hope;
hidden memories now on display for all to see
clapping hard, delirium ensues
a box filled with someone’s tribulations spills
pin-drop silence
the matted hair woman erupts in a shimmy
man with distant look whimpers
the urge to join in becomes insuppressible
I mumble on repeat
it is, it is, my new address it is
among lunatics and the unhinged
my home, my safe place
for normal life is a travesty
not for me, not for me
I see this mad house and beam with familiarity

@Aparna Das Sadhukhan

Thank you for reading :)
In response to J.D. Harms’s Saturday prompt: Exaggeration
Thank you for the tag !



Aparna Das Sadhukhan

To be a poet is a condition, not a profession ~ Robert Graves (: