Snuggled in the World’s Turning

A poetry-prompt of playing with cliches

Janaka Stagnaro
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2020


Image by Monika Neumann from Pixabay

They say that love makes the world go round.
True, but how do you know?
But I say the world going round makes love,
or at least the awareness of it.

As every child knows
who has braved the playing with a merry-go-round,
put a fork you have found in the road
on the platform
and heave-ho
as you stand upon your little ground.
That fork with all its prongs
will come along
and will return with the tune of your choosing.

Your finger is the spinning,
your chest the prayer wheel
while you lie in the bed of a new day,
no longer send that sleigh of daggers
that will slay your peace by piece.

Be the Mother and see
all as a child of Her becoming,
and no longer will you feel
poor of love,
but feel Her pouring her reigning over us all,
snuggled in the world’s turning.



Janaka Stagnaro

Poetry, parables, articles — spiritual, life-lessons, Waldorf education, artwork. 11 books. www.janakasartandbooks.com