Spontaneous Angels

a response poem to the Scrittura Saturday prompt: party on

Andrea Juillerat-Olvera
1 min readMar 11, 2021


A photo of a wall in Mexico with peeling paint, where a flier was mostly torn away, but a piece of it with part of a woman’s eyes still remains.
image by author

Before the hedonistic daybreak
youthful revelries carried her
across the Mexican border
without identification
and less than twenty dollars.

Dancing feet floated from bar to bar
shot glasses falling like dominoes
tequila, her only puppet master
carousing with long-dead spirits
the way home elusive

Night tears the page of day to pieces
a litter of demon pups in pursuit
nipping at her heels
onto her scent
delirious at the gate
she antes up
prepared to go all-in
her smile an opening bid.

In the booth, he flexes and flashes
tattooed bicep
badge and gun
she mentally fucks him
hopes he can tell

she really needs the favor.

“Have a nice evening miss”
he motions her through
she pulls forward slowly
crossing back over
trying to wipe the wicked smile off her face.

Andrea Juillerat-Olvera 2021

Thank you J.D. Harms for this prompt, it was a load of fun to write!

