Terminal Beginning

Lifetimes lap upon a brining shore

Laurie Perez — Novelist
Published in
Jul 26, 2023


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

That pocket of lost ocean where
Heaviness dissolved, sighing upon arrival
Is the very grain of sand where we first fell
In love — stop trying
To keep it small. Each bright curs’ed key of life
Turns hard before the lock gives in.
Each raw swell starts fresh, lusting after
The wave gone silent. Rounding shore,
Stir tears in salty cadence, brining sweet
The poignant texture of this Universe.

We end each day because
There is no other way to begin.


Laurie Perez

This lovely prompt offered by Paroma Sen lured me in:



Laurie Perez — Novelist

I write because I must. I publish because I love. Let's be stars to each other.