Terror Under Water

2nd Saturday Prompt: let the image lead you

Paroma Sen


Wallpaper by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

I went down once, I went down twice, I went down a third time.

This time I could see water drops stretched out over black glass. Defying gravity, the drops extended from the bottom right corner of the black glass to the top left.

Were there colors of the rainbow pouring out of the drops? Or was it just my oxygen-deprived brain playing tricks on me?

They always teased me about my over-active imagination. If they could only hear my thoughts now.

I could see shapes of skulls in the drops. As the drops stretched, the jaws of the skulls widened in grimace. They were laughing at me, weren’t they? Laughing at my pitiful state, my vivid and morbid delusions at the flagging end.

The eyes widened; the mouths widened. I was surrounded by faces in pain, howling at me. Accusing me of things I hadn’t done, screaming at me for lies I hadn’t told.

I could feel their pain physically, it was ripping holes in my own skin. I wanted to claw out my eyes, tear out my hair. I just wanted the screaming to stop.

Like flimsy pieces of paper engulfed in flame, the holes widened like jaws of dementors shrieking cacophony all around me. There was nowhere to hide, nowhere to shelter even for



Paroma Sen

“Do not go gentle into that good night, but rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light.”