The Cigarette Lighter to The Burning Match

A companion piece

Jeff Langley


Photo by Rafael Alves on Unsplash

I guess you could call it a sequel,
A prequel,
A coming event,
I’m picking up the tab, I’m paying the rent.

Listen my protégé and dearest friend,
Your ear I must borrow, for your ear I must bend,
The life of a Burning Match can be so fleeting, over in a flick,
No time for negotiations, yet never one to be a dick.

I totally appreciate you little buddy — your spark,
How something so small, can light up the dark,
Like your fearless comrades who came before,
Those sparks in the dark, here today — alas nevermore.

As you know, you guys only get the one chance to dance,
Zippo time for games of polyamorous romance,
Yet you and your kind always seem to get it so right,
Flaring so bright on the darkest of nights.

No fear in your eyes,
Well beyond compromise,
“You take that chance, so unafraid, you become focused and detached,”
Says the Cigarette Lighter to the Burning Match.



Jeff Langley

Kind of a word-perv with many stories to share. When I figure them out, you’ll be the first know!