The Enchanted Forest’s Moonlit Eros

Eros in the Woods

Marilyn Wolf


A Faun Grasping a Bunch of Grapes by Peter Paul Rubens (Public domain)

The Enchanted Forest, close, dense, moonlight streaks The Forest floor. Trees living, moving, oozing, bending, blending, ending, sending “Come join us.”
I listen
I hear
I hear

Moving to the call entering The Forest the smell of hoofprints by fauns, minotaurs, centaurs, satyrs. Feet find their prints know to follow, the trees beckon leaves watch my passing branches reach and touch naked skin. Pulse quickens I run to be included in the games.
I listen
I hear
I hear

Fauns meet and guide me, trees part and pat my passing skin pink from the rough bark and rising excitement of the games. Movement ahead.
I listen
I hear
I hear

Centaurs pawing rearing chests glistening, huge minotaurs bellowing with frustration of enormous erections, satyrs dashing under in penis-penis duels, laughing with the nymphs, gorgons, pixies. I slip into the dancing to the tune of mandrakes screaming amid the ardor and bawdy sensuality.
I listen
I hear
I hear

A satyr pushes me to the ground just as a minotaur’s hoof comes down where I had been. His fur is wet with sweat and wine I lick his snout he laughs I roll and run away he follows I’m caught against a centaur’s rump. He lifts and enters me as my shoulders fold over the centaur’s back breasts belly rolling bouncing in the moonlight. The sound and ground rocks and swells with the creatures bellowing, dancing, pawing, bucking, fucking.
I listen
I hear
I hear

He pulls away his seed runs down my leg I melt into it. I am a puddle under hooves until morning. With the sunlight I become a person to walk home until the Forest calls again.

©2022, Marilyn Wolf

In response to J.D. Harms’ request for fairytale eroticism.
The Depth of the Moss: Prose Poem | by J.D. Harms | Scrittura | Mar, 2022 | Medium

Pixie: Nature spirits and little people
Nymph: mythological nature spirit, a beautiful maiden
Mandrake: root of a plant in the nightshade family, when it is dug up it screams and kills all who hear it.
Faun: or goat men, with the legs and tail of a goat and the upper body of a man, offer guidance to travelers in need.
Minotaur: the body of a man with the head and tail of a bull, fierce and immensely strong, express the bestial longings of Man.
Satyrs: ribald, lovers of wine, music, dancing, and women, inhabit remote locales, the ears and tails of horses with bestial faces, snub noses, mane-like hair, stallion penis. They walk upright on two legs, often bearded.
Centaurs: wild and excitable, body of a horse with the head and chest of a human, depicted as wild but not evil.
Gorgon: such as the famous Medusa, were vicious monsters capable of turning victims to stone with just one look, a mix of beautiful and frightening, they had live snakes instead of hair.

Another poem about Medusa:
Medusa at Midnight. Wednesday Prompt: Fairytale erotica | by Marilyn J Wolf | Apr, 2022 | Medium



Marilyn Wolf

Poet, author, wanderer, always curious. In Celebration of the Death of Faeries is her first book; she is currently editing a second.