Prose poem

The Lost Coin

Letters lilt in swelling orchestra

Era Garg


Image by the writer

The dawn’s saffron anoint horizon – blush of setting day dissolve in twilight –rhododendrons, wild scents chirp in rhapsody – imbibing oblique deodars and explosions of green – my dream crystallises in misty mountains – to dabble in constellations, stars and galaxies festooning afar in serendipitous flurry

a plumped up caterpillar anchors on the twig – the torment, turbulence, forbearance kicks the cramped plasma –untangling the stunning effulgent wings – resin’s amber sputter in fragrant pines – pitter patter of bees over wild rose bushes – centripetal bustle in blossoms’ nuclei throb the moments’ matrix

shedding petals kiss buds spreading out –matter snoozes, winks in folds of surreal– the tension now plucked stirring up a tone – letters lilt in swelling orchestra– a lost coin found in music-swept herbage – a blushing poem bubbles the ink on papyrus– a dusty nebula drenches in newborn star’s light.

Era Garg March 2024

Thanks to Wry Welwood for such a surreal prompt. He effortlessly opens vistas of creative visualizations.

Thanks for publishing my poetry Samantha Lazar, a fine thinker, teacher, writer and editor. My sincere regards to Zay Pareltheon, Viraji Ogodapola, J.D. Harms and the entire team of scrittura.

Link to the Wednesday prompt is here



Era Garg

An enthusiast balancing chemistry with pen & poetry, painting nature , exploring my identity in universe.