The Love Bandit
Exploring Ekphrasis
He creeps in through the crevices of want — seductive vagabond — elusive specter veiled in the shadows of chaste illusion — she, draped in the
hues of a lonely heart— with its fluttering cadence— awaits this rogue to rouse her — draw her out of the confines of her chilly chamber and into
his arms — The Love Bandit, he strikes at dusk— entering like Robin Hood— feather tickling her appetite with his charitable fruit — lush velvet
cape engulfing her waist with one enormous swoop — swift and startling — her skirt swaying to the glow cast by the blue hour — that enchanting time
between day and night when the sun bids adieu to sensibility and wraps its arms around dreamers like she, who has been waltzing to the
musings of this amorous rendezvous— her soul beating to his pulse — mahogany locks pinned neatly, caged inside her snowy cap
but desire can’t be bound up like curls, thinks she
as her ringlets spiral down the four grey walls holding hope hostage — it seemed a lifetime ‘ere she’d flee this tower and awaken under his spell
crimson cape waving — then, like a matador shielding his sword, eager to pierce her heart with the blood and fervor of his devotion — she, no escape