The Opera House

A Prose Poem

Jac Harmony
2 min readSep 14, 2021


Gwen Kind — Unsplash

The opera house is full — judging eyes gleam like pearls beneath assembled waves — the hall is silent. A velvet curtain peals — hushed whispers escape, “Break a leg!”

The masquerade begins — burlesque tragic and metaphysical magic — the intermission evades pause — stained-glass tears run free; hold the applause till the end of act three.

The reticent prima donna takes the stage — pursed lips predict melodic release — phantom promises permeate across the baronial hall — powerful inhalation preempts a preeminent display of harmonious rapture — the dance of dulcet tones cascade upon enchanted drones.

The celestial serenade dies as it began, upon the diminuendo of time — stillness evokes emotion, emotion evokes tears — glitter paints the gleaming pearls beneath assembled waves — the hall is silent.

The songbird breaks the silence — mellifluous transcendence evokes existential awareness. The curtain falls — and all is as it was.

©️2021, Jac Harmony All rights reserved

Thank you J.D. Harms and Melissa Coffey for encouraging me to write outside of my comfort zone. And thank you Scrittura for being a forum that inspires its writers to keep growing as authors and poets.



Jac Harmony

Reader of beautiful words and a dreamer of creating literary art. I love to explore and try my hand at different poetry forms. Every moment is a muse!