The Shadow Of Light

Prompt Response: Take It From Me

Breathe & Be Still
2 min readMay 16, 2022


Photo Credit | Author

Perhaps its a mirage
— these words — I dress around

or a shadow of what once was.

Guess it all depends
which way the light gets exposed.

But here,
in the theater of commerce
They dare not notice me;
a casting shadow assigned
to the back bleachers.
Though I know they feel me
creeping towards,
seeping in from behind,
like a gnat antagonizing the ear,
They go on mockingly
— I with my muzzle,
They with the calculated tossing of hair
and rehearsed chuckle.
An unspoken agreement

— to not look back — not now, not never.

For the very thought of rewind, festers in the synapses of the mind —
yours, then mine.

So we conspire, not to notice the birds, the ravens flying overhead — casting shadows again, of those disavowed parts — while we merge in cohesion, feeling complete again.

Breathe & Be Still ©2022

Fairly certain I may have merged 2 prompts in this one. The shadows are blurring together… In any case, credit for both belongs to J.D. Harms. In particular I absconded with this line: “the birds, the ravens are flying overhead, again — my shadows, I think.”

