The Timelessness of the Dune

2nd Saturday prompt: movie inspiration

Paroma Sen


Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

Funny thing about time, it rushes along when you want to pause and savor every moment yet stands still like a rock when you want it to pass quickly.

The thought crossed my mind as I stood, my back to the sun, looking across the miles of sand ahead of me, to the top of the next dune.

It would all be so beautiful, if only I was only looking at a Microsoft Windows wallpaper. Or vacation pictures of someone else.

Being here, with nothing to contrast the swell and ebb of every contour, the dunes refuse to draw admiration from me anymore. Beauty only has value in the context of ugliness, just like light only has value against the backdrop of darkness.

I no longer know where I am coming from, and where I am going. If there was hope at one point, I cannot feel it anymore. I don’t remember what the shape of hope in my heart felt like, how much it weighed, what area it occupied, and whether it had sharp edges pressing into my ribs. Hope, like time, was now only conceptual in nature. It had very little to do with my immediate reality.

I kept trudging on, every footfall being received into the soft sand as if it would be my last. The soil enacting the role of the devil incarnate, enticing me with its softness



Paroma Sen

“Do not go gentle into that good night, but rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light.”