This Too Is a Meme


Amy L. Bernstein


National Memorial for Peace and Justice. Mitchell Griest for Unsplash.

Nomonde Calata screaming long after
apartheid burns her husband to ashes — long after
her screams rent the tenuous fabric of
the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and her screams
carry across South Africa’s oceans
to an America rent by lies — red-mudded America soaking in
veiled intentions —

can we ever meme our way to the truth — with a scream that startles our
out of the mud? toward
national reconciliation acknowledgment / acceptance

redress / healing / hope

face the truth about the past, address the harm,
give testimony, receive the informant’s pain

this too is a meme —
vengeance is the lord’s but only revenge will cleans our soul,
only by screaming until the shockwaves burst the dam of inattention,
and we press play/replay/rewind/fast-forward

this too is a meme,
an American meme.



Amy L. Bernstein

I write stories that let you feel and make you think. Fiction, essays, poems. Whatever the moment — or zeitgeist — requires. More at