Ukraine’s Lament

A Poem ~



I am moved to add my two cents
to the censure of aggression in Ukraine.
But when I hear their sentiments,
speaking their truth,
feeling their pain,
I hesitate.
Words without action
seem empty and useless
so I refrain.

But then I do write
because I am so mad.
I live in a mind-field of conflictions
and I am profoundly sad,
full of sorrow
and contradictions.

Naively I wish war to disappear
and Ukraine be accepted by NATO.
Negotiating peace is a ruse I fear,
Only actions tell friend from foe.

Borders were breached,
aggression can’t be undone.
People were killed,
death’s song can’t be unsung.

A war precipitated by one man,
his hold on reality slipping away.
A menace to the world for so long,
Why can’t someone stop him today.

We treat him like a little boy.
Instead of corporal punishment
we only took away his toy.
His history is scorched earth,
our world he will destroy.

Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine,
Lebanon, Palestine, and Yemen.

He keeps repeating the same thing.
How many is too many mortal sins?

He fosters and enables evil
and our bourgeois naïveté presumed
that after scolding a psychopath,
shame and remorse would bloom.

But evil is amorality
and can only be defeated in its infancy.
Collateral damage is inevitable
after evil attains maturity.

Perhaps even empty words
are better than none at all
to remind us that freedom for the many
outweigh the insane cravings of the one.

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Ridge's Poetry

111 stories




Engaging & exploring alternative points of view. Forming opinions and convictions empirically. Tendering perspectives without apology.