
A poem

Janani K
1 min readMar 28, 2024


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Repulsive child
What has become of you
Feasting on carrion without sparing
The old, sick, dead and false prophets
Routes to salvation all scorched
A grandiose vulture in make

Shielded by most toxic of tongues
No one would dare argue against
One can only sit still and watch
Unravelling, lowering of self into grave
I am not blue save for one vague memory
A babe of old who’d never far stray

Let me pen you into a verse
As the patron you conned and won against
With treasured ones you deeply wounded
Who deserved sunnier and comforting fates
You have learned far too young
That dead men will tell no tales

I do hope that your descent continues
I aim to document it thoroughly and well
I wish for a jury to witness and bleed
On shards of my unyielding contempt
And boy, would my hatred persist
Beyond your paltry inconsequential end

