
wait for me

by the orb of charms

Viraji Ogodapola


sunrise over Long Beach, California — pic by Thilini Jinasena, used with permission.

wait for me..
for moments subtle, when words failed us
soaring high, elated — in tended spirits
to glide along the winds free

hold my hand, feel my touch
read my palm, one last time
for the lines of destiny we outdrew..

wait with me…
to strain the rain, from sky water
to see that moon thru, in the light
of the sun we once knew, fleeting
ayond — life — the ephemeral froth
shackled heavy by bonds tethered
‘n gentle trembles ‘neath the pulse

and wait for me…
when the lights fade from across the bridge
‘n over the mountain tops shaded green
by the orb that turns in yearn, charmed
with glee in the eyes unfettered
‘n the weight of all the spells cast
on a tomorrow that I cannot see..

and wait for me..
by the sky that’s blue
seen thru the eyes of you
to walk this earth, its ridges, the grooves
thru the swirling vortex of sky
plummeting down in haste with all
the crowns worn heavy in time

wait for me.. won’t you, in time?
for the soft touch, the first kiss
by the crossroads fateful, nabbing
the promise of life — the only one
mustered, in time deemed fine
stinging, pulling at the base of a conscience
thought to have done it right

wait for me..
to draw the terms, ours alone
eschewing karma — with all the might
of hearts in hope, brawn ‘n some rotten luck
wrapped in fear for what’s left behind
brave smiles, grave sighs for
the why-me of the lives-in-transit

wait for me.. yet again
by the carcasses we buried
‘neath the softest petals hushed now
to lull the echoes of the fathers we laud
of hearts carried in beliefs naive
for the newborn miracles, the younglings,
the saplings of our desires many..

bait me then…
desolate — on one fine day
forsaking that self of me
‘n the universe whole
I brought to being
in my very own
single breath — but the very last!

Viraji Ogodapola ©August, 2023.

  • In response to Wry’s prompt, among other things;



Viraji Ogodapola

ashes dusted away in morph, in that moment next I’d be.. for now, here I am, grappling in just being..