What Happens After Happily Ever?

A dramatic prose poem: ‘stellar steering’

Danielle Loewen


Cast of characters:
: (choked. forever off-kilter & possibly falling?) tossed in loops like a tetherball on a bent axis << circulating centripetally, held by a promise >> my edges chipped & ill-defined: a ragged breath blurring the mirror.

*Notes to ask the director: Am I the foolhardy hero, dastardly villain or the damsel-in-distress?

You: A shark. (lips more Grimm than any fairy tale.) Chewing through my heart — malicious mastication — teeth bent backwards. Whenever I try to climb out of your carefully baited traps, I’m shredded into submission: subdued . subtracted . Sub-judged-gated

Us: (unravelling.) Love eclipsed & incinerated by the asteroid of your infernal indifference

The Setting:
A revolving door of prescriptions, pronouncements, decrees & injunctions — a Rolodex of regulations. Whys & wherefores more capricious than a cat yet delivered irrevocably, as though the most self-evident of edicts

Someone has turned off the light — or maybe it’s the shades I wear indefinitely like armour. A glamour guarding against eye connection. Twin mirrors to deflect unwanted attention



Danielle Loewen

she/her | reader | queer feminist | recovering academic | body lover | gamer | poet & fabulist