When Alone In Thought

Prompt response: talk to yourself

Breathe & Be Still
2 min readMay 29, 2022


Photo Credit | Author

Like Roundup on weeds
A solution that causes disease
This thinking
of I makes
a virus of the mind

Just as Bradbury exposed
the dangers of talking screens
A social corruption
that haunts once pleasant dreams

I am trapped inside
These voices I hear — are they me?

It’s as though we’re all traveling in vestibules of some archaic cave — unable to find our ways to the Pyre — our elders discarded like rot — having nothing left to say — led by youthfulness without time for mourning these remains— “But the scripts, man, they need to be re-inspired!”

These thoughts though, inside, have become cyclones of the mind wherein all rituals (of we) get lost. Humans, man, were not meant to persist along parallel lines but to exist in circles. — “Quit trying to box me in with your circuitous lines of he, she, they, and I.”

These words — these thoughts — that haunt — leave me prey — left barren, alone — distraught — uncaring — and caught.

Breathe & Be Still ©2022

Thanks to J.D Harms for keeping the gears turning with these awesome prompts. This poem of yours: pure genius.

And I must give a shout out to Michelle Scorziello who left me with this haunting image of a near toothless mouth. If you are not familiar with her work, you must check her out. She is queen of descriptive detail.

