Where’s my happy ending?

chel writes
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2023

So, where’s my happy ending?

Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash

I ponder, as I navigate the winding paths of life
The stories we’re told, fairy tales and romances,
there’s a comforting certainty that love conquers all, and happiness prevails in the end
But reality isn’t always scripted so neatly

Life’s narrative is a complex tapestry of joy and sorrow,
of unexpected twists and turns
It’s a journey where the destination is often obscured by the fog of uncertainty
We may find ourselves lost in the labyrinth of heartbreak and disappointment,
wondering if our happy ending is merely a mirage on the horizon

Yet, in these moments of doubt, we must remember that life’s story is still unfolding
Our own tales are not bound by the conventions of fiction
Instead, they are shaped by our choices, our resilience,
our capacity to love and grow

Perhaps our happy endings are not singular events
but a series of small victories,
fleeting moments of bliss that punctuate the chapters of our lives
Maybe they are found in the laughter shared with friends,
the warmth of a loved one’s embrace, or the satisfaction of pursuing our passions

So, where’s my happy ending?

Maybe it’s not a fixed point
in time or a predetermined outcome
It’s a journey, an ongoing exploration of self-discovery and connection
And as long as we keep turning the pages,
we’ll find that happiness, in all its beautiful forms,
scattered throughout our story, waiting to be embraced

© chel writes, 2023

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chel writes

write articles and personal thoughts. publish drafts regularly. sometimes in english or indonesian :)