Wherever the Muse Leads You

Scrittura 2nd Saturday prompt response: let the image lead you

Connie Song


detective, follow footsteps, prompt
Siraanamwong on licensed iStock.com

What would the vortex be like without the muse — without a thoughtful prompt to boil then stir the pot — when the writer’s mind feels hemmed or locked?

Where does the muse lead you?

How does abstract art unravel the heart, entangle the mind, embroider the soul?
Look below and unwind what you behold.

Are they drops of inspiration? Wallpaper by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

What do I see?
A Rorschach test — a hornet’s nest?
Drops of inspiration?
Or perhaps neon lights blithely dancing on the ocean?
How many times have I been splashed, whiplashed,
gashed and slashed
by words and waves and life’s redundant locomotion?

I once thought I was invincible.

Now I see an isotopic x-ray of my bony hand — tendons tight from typing strands of words from dawn to dusk — chasing a half-filled pot of gold for copper pennies
floating in the dark. Grateful, still, even when the muse sleeps or weeps, in love
or deep exasperation, she may leave behind some useful clues or drops of inspiration.

Grace notes: I wanted to experiment with this wonderful Scrittura prompt from
Paroma Sen. You should submit yours as well.

Here’s Paroma’s ekphrastic prompt and magnificent writing you’ve got to read, followed by some amazing responses and memorable, worthwhile poetry.

Paroma Sen

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Connie Song

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