Wonderful Words

In Celebration of Scrittura Writers: April

Ann Marie Steele
Published in
5 min readMay 9, 2024


Photo by Dustin Humes on Unsplash

I almost began this month’s “Wonderful Words” with a cliché such as “April showers bring May flowers” and proceed to cleverly describe an image of the daffodils awakening in my front yard. I even considered impressing you with interesting facts that nobody except for me was capable of discovering such as Queen Elizabeth II, Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare and Thomas Jefferson all share April birthdays, or that the first shots of the American Revolution started in April, as well as the Civil War, Spanish War and World War II. Oh, yes, and that April was National Poetry Month!

But then I stumbled upon this quote,

April is the cruelest month, but also the most necessary for growth — Elizabeth Gray

and I was struck by the number of Medium pieces I’ve had the pleasure of reading that highlight how traumatic life events have shaped immense personal growth.

My growth as a writer goes hand-in-hand with my personal growth — to be honest in communication, not just with my significant other but in my poetry as well. My own challenge to write authentically through a place of vulnerability while not hiding behind metaphors and imagery is still a work in progress. I have to admit that the pieces that my…



Ann Marie Steele

I write about love and loss, what I observe and experience — I write about hope. My writing has been described as resiliently defiant.