Words, Oh Word

A Poet’s Prayer

Darryl Willis
Nov 30, 2020


Photo by Eric Muhr on Unsplash

Thank you for poetry: the play of words scattered and strewn across a page — dancing on the pen and tongue.

Thank you for the play of metaphor and hyperbole against the mind that wanders and fills with wonder.

Thank you for the visions that allow expression, for the joy and the rapture of ecstasy — the experience that transcends all experience.

You are the Word that brings light and life — the unbegun, unsaid — the unspoken that speaks itself and through speech drapes the dark in light, brings shape to chaos, gives meaning to the void.

Thank you for the ancient, eternal. Thank you for the words, oh Word. Thank you for the poem.



Darryl Willis

Has worked in non-profits for 40 years and is currently a Regional Director for an international non-profit. He holds an MA in Biblical text.