
Free verse

Umm Nala
Jul 11, 2024


Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

Did you not know
That I was already yours
When you asked for my heart?
Don’t be silly, my love
It is in my eyes, clear as day
It is in the way I allow your misdeeds
It is in the way I wait for no man
But I wait for you
My lips need not speak those words
For my heart already has
Do you not see it?
The reverberation of my pulse
The quickening of my breath
The softness of my voice
The tenderness of my touch
The fire of my gaze
I am yours, through and through
So don’t ask for what you already own
Take it



Umm Nala

A woman just trying to navigate through the waters of literature, love, life, Islam and how it all connects. Ps: Nala is my teddy bear, I don’t have a child.