Technology Stack

Shon | Tech
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2017 is built using open source software.

Python is team’s choice of programming language. It dominates the tech stack. We mostly use Python3. However, there are handful of services which still use Python2.7 but it’s just a matter of time before we migrate them to Python3.

Flask is the choice for web framework to build APIs and gunicorn is used as web application server with Nginx at the front. For middleware we owe a lot to super talented Charles Leifer, as Peewee and Huey powers most of our APIs.


PostgreSQL! We use jsonb extensively.
We use Redis a lot too.


Javascript frameworks have always been a favourite topic of discussion within the Scroll Tech team. We have used knockout.js extensively in past and still use it for some apps and ❤ it. For a while we had our website running on Angular.js. For our internal apps, we use react.js. However, currently most of the team is convinced with vue.js and it is replacing all other js frameworks/libs. This now powers Scroll’s main web site.


All our servers are hosted on Digital Ocean. We love it’s simplicity and developer friendly APIs. We have created a library that helps us writing our server management tools. Server management is mostly automated using fabulous fabric.
We do, however, use Amazon web services like cloudfront for CDN, S3 for asset persistence and Route 53 for DNS.

If all this sounds interesting and exciting to you, let’s have a chat. Reach us at tech at scroll dot in or message us on Twitter.

Or if you have any questions feel free to ask.



Shon | Tech

Aspiring Programmer. ♥ open source especially Python. Hiker.