Reviewing Hate - III

Drishti Jain
ScrudeUp Official
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2021

One of the hate’s core characteristics is that it generally lasts longer than the event that initially evoked it. The enduring nature of hatred is based on the appraisals that are targeted at the fundamental nature of the hated group by the hater.

Everyday observations suggest that hate is so powerful that it does not just temporarily but permanently destroy relations between individuals or groups. Read more about the damage due to hate here

As for one of the most famous plays of Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, whose families, the Montagues and the Capulets, respectively, were implacable enemies. The hate between the two families was so intense that the lovers were left with nothing, but just the choice to run or die(or run and still die, tragical!). So, the conclusion derived from this is: Hate can affect not only the parties involved in hate competition but some other relations, even third-degree relations are affected sometimes when hate reaches another level, distressing enough? It can also make the successors of one of the parties hate the successor of the other party even if they have nothing to hate each other about. Consider when Romeo threatened to kill Tybalt(Juliet’s brother) while Tybalt had already killed Romeo’s best friend, Mercutio. He attacks Mercutio because the rage-ful and hot-headed character insults him and goads him into a duel to protect Romeo’s honor. It is not until Tybalt kills Mercutio that Romeo is driven to draw his sword. The effect of hate between the two families took place on Tybalt, resulting in the death of two. Now the question in your mind must be that the play falls under fiction, Then what does it have to do with real-life situations?

After the death of Romeo and Juliet.

The play, despite being written in fiction has a deeper meaning. It tells that if group members perceive that their ingroup is unjustly treated or humiliated by another group, they may experience negative emotions towards outgroup members as well as form negative attitudes about them. “The Legacy of hate” is passed further to the descendants and that is where the real reason for the hate is lost and a whole new concept or theory is proposed against the enemy party. Even if not, the hatred continues to be and the groups are supposed to conflict every time even if they want to halt the hatred between them and are no longer interested in it. As visible, Hate pursues until the people start to reason or at least avoid any sort of conflict.

This could go on and even raise conflicts in the form of debates and might convert into hate among people engaged in this discussion. So hereby, I shall end this blog(for now). Stay tuned for more blog topics!

