Angular Starter Kit for Rapid Prototype

Fuji Nguyen
Scrum and Coke
Published in
9 min readJul 1, 2021


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Angular 12 starter repo with boilerplate code for server-side pagination, CRUD, OIDC/oAuth2 JWT login, role-based access, and UI/UX Bootstrap. Include ASP.NET CORE 5 source code for backend Token Service Server and REST Api Resources.


Imagine yourself participating in an Angular hackathon, where you and your team will build a line-of-business app in 8 hours. The app must be responsive, secure, and business-oriented. Options are building the app from scratch with bare Angular CLI or employing a starter kit to jump-start the project. In this story, I will introduce you to an Angular Starter Kit to scaffold an Angular app in minutes, make a few configuration changes, and be ready to add business features.

Online Demo

Developers love to see working source code. We all like to experiment with how something works, and then decide whether we want to spend our valuable time learning it. Check out the live demo. Log in with the account (janedoe, Pa$$word123) or your GitHub account. Please be aware that the educational demo may be slow to load data initially due to REST API running on low-tier, shared MSSQL resources in Azure.

The online demo showcases the following:

  1. The Home page contains mock-ups of the UI/UX with typical…



Fuji Nguyen
Scrum and Coke

DX Advocate, OpenSource Contributor, Pickleball Player - Improves software dev experience, contributes to opensource projects, and plays pickleball for leisure.