Which Scrum Certification to Choose?

The number of organizations adopting Agile practices has continued to grow at an accelerated rate. This trend is expected to continue over the next years as organizations try to develop products in an agile way. Leading the agile transformation is the Scrum framework. But how do you get a Scrum certification?

Valentin Despa
Scrum with Valentine


Last update: October 2023

Why get a Scrum certification?

Before we get deeper into the discussion, let’s start with the WHY. Many of you may put no trust or value in certifications and I understand your point. They can’t really capture your skills and experience.

Regardless of whether you trust certifications or not, the fact remains that most organizations do see it as a requirement or at least as a nice to have when applying for many positions. In other words, it cannot hurt you to get certified.

Even if you are a beginner with little field experience, a certification may still help you as it demonstrates you are aware of the topic and have already done something to prepare yourself.

So if you are in the process of looking for a job in organizations that use Scrum, getting certified will not hurt your chances of landing a job. On the contrary. Compared to someone who never heard of Agile or Scrum, you are at an



Valentin Despa
Scrum with Valentine

Software developer, educator & overlander • GitLab Hero • AWS Community Builder • Postman Supernova • Imprint: http://vdespa.com/imprint