Meet our Junior Food Critic: Alfie

Carly Nair
3 min readOct 28, 2018
Mini ghost pumpkin!

Alfie is our eldest, and at 4.5 years old he is already pretty into his food. He loves growing fruit and veg, knows more about mushrooms (which you can eat and which to leave well alone) and wild berries than I ever will, and also loves spending time in the kitchen. He’s always been interested in cooking. Since he was a tiny baby he’s spent time watching me bake. And I still remember the day he was finally old enough to help me make a set of cupcakes. They were an absolute mess but he loved every second. And since then we’ve not been able to keep him out of the kitchen.

But more than that, Alfie LOVES food. Since he was weaned 4 years ago, he has always loved trying new things. Don’t get me wrong, there are things he doesn’t like, but he’ll pretty much give anything a go. For this reason we love taking him and his little brother out to eat. We try to go to different places so that they can try different cuisines, and they love it.

Alfie started school this year and gets to choose the cooked lunches he eats from the school menu. He loves the responsibility and again will pick things he’s never had before without any prompting. He definitely takes after us and we want to foster his love of food so that he can continue enjoying it into adulthood. Who knows, we may even have a chef on our hands at some point!

Baking dog biscuits for the Nair pup — Zuma

And since he’s now old enough to tell us what he likes and dislikes about the food he’s eating and the places we go to, we thought we would take it one step further with a blog — no, a movement all about family food in our local area of Berkhamsted. As well as posting recipes, and thoughts around kids food, we’re going to be doing a series of honest reviews where Alfie will be telling us what he likes (and dislikes!) about the restaurants in and around Berkhamsted.

We hope you enjoy reading them, and look forward to hearing what you think in the comments. And if there is anywhere you would like Alfie to visit and review — please let us know!


