Welcome to the Team, Kris!

This is huge news for us. Today is the first day, we grow as a team.

2 min readOct 5, 2018


Scrumpy is a bigger success than we could have hoped for. Only five months after launch, we’re at nearly 3.000 users and $3K gross revenue. The only thing is, we can’t move as fast as we would like to. Luckily Kris joined our team as a developer.

Kris Is the Coolest Guy

Kris is an experienced (and ultra clever) frontend and backend developer, who is in love with Vue.js and Laravel. As this wouldn’t be enough, he is writing articles, publishing open source software, built a time tracking app, making awesome music videos and studied space engineering. 🤯

I’m sure I forget a few things, but believe me, we could not have hoped for someone cooler! We know him for years now, and we are so happy to finally get the opportunity to work with him.

OMG, What Does This Mean for Scrumpy?

You’re right, we’re going to produce a music video in space. But first, he’ll help us to improve the product. Teaser: We’ll release a bunch of awesome features in the next months. Two of them are already production ready.

Be sure to follow him on Twitter! Thanks, Kris! It’s going to be great. 👋




Co-Founder of @_ueberdosis and @heyscrumpy