Austin Diercks
SCU Global Fellows 2016
2 min readJun 19, 2016


1 Week Before Departure

This thing is so real. I keep worrying that I haven’t filled out some obscure paper for entry because the Chinese government is a little, uhh, intense. I don’t want to say goodbye to my friends and Santa Clara just yet, I’ve only barely had a taste of summer! However, I’m pretty sure I’m ready. I’m not worried about getting lost or anything physically bad happening to me, I’m the most worried about getting screwed over when I buy things. I don’t want to be that naive white guy that pays double everywhere he goes. I guess it’s a pride thing… I’m very much looking forward to the food though. That will be amazing. I have only ever had americanized Chinese food, so to get the real deal will be amazing. Also, I’m excited to apply my knowledge to the company. I’m still not really sure how to operate an ERP (or even what it is), but I’m ready to jump in and learn. It’s really not actual mathematical processes that I want to use, but more of the intuition and ways of thinking behind most math. I just really hope I don’t have to do any coding… Another big thing I’m worried about is communication. I’m not totally sure how many people in the office actually speak english, so communicating my ideas successfully might be a challenge. Also, travel can be difficult without knowing the national language. Hopefully Eric will be with me most of the time and has brushed up on his Chinese. Even the little things will be difficult. For example, I have read that there is not toilet paper in the public restrooms and the toilets are more of just holes in the ground that you squat over. I can’t say I’ve ever done that. It should be a wild ride, but I’m so ready for it. One of the biggest things I am nervous about, if not the biggest thing, is being essentially alone for six months. I have typically prided myself on my independence. I am the first born of three and I like to do things mostly on my own. I’ve never had a problem relying solely on myself. However, the past few days when I have been saying goodbye to some of my friends and entertaining the idea of having no close friends wherever I go is startling to say the least. I can’t just walk across campus to talk to my good friends or see them on the weekends. I will truly be on my own. Should be fun. At the same time, I will be almost completely dependent on Eric because he’s a native that speaks the language. This weird juxtaposition will be quite interesting to say the least. We’ll see how this goes!

