Blog Post 1

Onno Ho
SCU Global Fellows 2016
3 min readJun 20, 2016

As I am writing this initial blog post on flight AA 931 to Miami, I still don’t think it has really hit me yet that I am going to Bolivia. I can’t believe it was only four months ago when we first got the email congratulating us for being selected as a Global Fellow. Here I am now, on the plane, still really in awe that it’s actually happening.

The best way to describe how I feel is pure excitement. I am beyond ecstatic to see what adventures lie ahead of me. I am excited and looking forward to Bolivian cuisine and interacting with Bolivian culture. I strongly believe that food transcends language, and therefore through sharing food we share culture. I am excited to not only observe but also participate in these daily interactions with the Bolivian people. I am also excited for my work with my placement. I have been reading “One World Schoolhouse” by Salman Khan (Founder of the Khan Academy) about his views on education. I want to make sure that I am a resource for the students to discover their own joys of learning or thrills of understanding the universe. I want to be there to motivate and excite these students about their learning rather than lecture through a mundane traditional classroom lecture. Through using the Khan Academy software, I truly believe that I will be able to not change these children’s lives, but my purpose is to spark interest and open minds to the availability of education.

I am also looking forward to get to explore Bolivia! Latin America is an extremely foreign place to me and therefore I want to see/do everything I possibly can during my time there. I have done a little bit of research and already have a compiled list of places I want to see outside of work. I am very curious what Anna and Carlos have planned for us to see during the weekends.

In regards to AHA Bolivia/Bolivia4WARD, I want to learn more about the functions and daily business operations that it conducts. I want to figure out how I can leave a long lasting impact for AHA Bolivia and Anna. Furthermore, I want to learn more about the Bolivian culture to get a better understanding of Latin America as a whole. What I am hoping to learn about myself is whether or not I could see myself pursing social entrepreneurship as a potential career in the future.

All in all, I can barely contain my excitement. Juliet and I will be meeting in Miami and then off to Bolivia we go!

