Moments That Take Your Breath Away

Christine Cremer
SCU Global Fellows 2016
4 min readSep 16, 2016

One of my favorite quotations to live by is “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” As I get ready to leave Starfish International, I have realized that this quotation is more applicable to my life than ever before.

At Starfish International, everyday there were many moments that took my breath away and because of that I am forever grateful. Even though my time at Starfish has ended, the memories I made, the connections I gained, and the lessons I learned will forever be a part of me. It’s hard to truly capture in words the impact Starfish has had on my life, but if there was one thing that I could emulate in honor of Starfish it would be unconditional love.

From the moment I stepped onto the Starfish grounds to the moment I was leaving for the airport, I felt loved. Not just “the typical get to know you, I enjoy being with you and feel connected with you type of love”, but a deeply rooted “I want what is best for you and I will always have your back” type of love. And what is crazy about that is that I was only at Starfish for a little over a month, yet I felt loved unconditionally.

From getting swarmed with hugs from the students every morning to Aunty Yassin and the mentors giving me life changing advice on how I can be my best self, everyone at Starfish went out of their way to make sure I was not just a volunteer, but a member of their larger Starfish family. Up until coming to Starfish, I had never been apart of an organization that loved me unconditionally for who I was as a person than the way Starfish did.

Throughout my stay, one of the many things that took my breath away on a daily basis was the commitment of all the individuals at Starfish. From Aunty Yassin to the mentors to the students to Mama Kujabi in the business center, the list goes on! Everyone who is a part of Starfish makes incredible efforts and sacrifices to stay involved in the organization, yet they are all so very committed to not only the organization and seeing it grow and flourish in The Gambia, but to being their very best selves.

Witnessing this commitment first hand has truly inspired me to look at my own life and consider how I approach my days. I recently had the opportunity to present to Aunty Yassin and the mentors about my experience. After reminiscing over my experience and listening to their advice during my presentation, I have realized that waking up and being my best self is a work in progress, but by staying committed and appreciating the goal to become that person is a reward itself.

It is not easy to pack my bags and leave those whom have showed me a overflowing spring of love, but their demonstration of the kind of love I want to give others when I return home will be a reminder of this special place. A love that looks beyond your differences and pursues autenticity. If I can welcome others into my life like the way all those at Starfish welcomed me into their lives, I am confident I will be living a life full of moments that take my breath away.

