T-Minus One Week
I’m excited. Really excited. Even though I had just finished packing away my dorm room, I’m already thinking about the next leg of the journey. What will happen during this internship? Will I accumulate amazing new experiences? Absolutely. Will I learn cool new skills and tricks? Certainly. Will I screw up? … Probably. But, eh, that’s okay. Failure is a stepping stone to success. Some successful person who didn’t fail all that much said that once.
I am excited because summer is the best time for self-auditing. It’s a time to collect myself and figure out how I can serve the world. Plus there are no more awful midterms, enervating lectures, and 7:20pm Monday classes that are super exhaus… I mean exhilarating. The economy is also pretty good right now. What a fantastic time to be alive!
Eight weeks is going to be a long time. There’s going to be a lot to do, I’m sure, so I hope I don’t get bored. I worry that we get tasked with menial work that serves neither to teach us or excite us.
I am also excited to explore the scenic small towns and the beautiful countryside. JiangSu is a province that is largely dotted with farms and countryside. It’s grounded in a lot of history and culture and did I mention that it is going to be absolutely stunning? YangZhou, the city in JiangSu, is known for its food. It is responsible for one of China’s four big food types. In fact, my Aunt wouldn’t stop raving about the type of food that I was going to eat while I’m there. Always nice to hear that about the places youre going.
Lastly, I’m a little worried about money. I’m doubtful that this internship pays, so any expenses that I will incur these eight weeks will come straight out of savings. I don’t even want to think about the hit I’m taking.
Ultimately, I’m pretty excited to see what these eight weeks have to offer. Hold tight and I’ll get back to you next week with wild adventures.