Work At Franklin Templeton Hyderabad

Bryan Chow
SCU Global Fellows 2016
2 min readSep 19, 2016

The work culture at Franklin Templeton was definitely nothing I’ve ever experienced before. The employees were able to work hard when it mattered and found plenty of times to enjoy themselves and bond with their co-workers. One particular tradition was the yearly Masangram games. Essentially, it was a competition of similar to the house cup in Harry Potter where the whole group was divided into teams and whenever a team won a sporting event they received a point for the scoreboard. In the end, the team with the most points gets a fantastic prize as well as endless bragging rights. The almost aggressively competitive co-workers in the group made each sporting event a blast to play in. I have really never seen so much spirit and energy in a professional setting like I did working in the team at Franklin Templeton.

Also, during the time we were working at Franklin, there was a new class of graduate trainees (essentially interns) just joining the company as well. This was really great for us since it gave us a solid group of people to spend time with during work and during our weekends. In fact, these GT’s came to be some of our best friends during our time in India. We were to bond really well and spend a good amount of time over the weekends exploring the city and planning fun events. The GT’s were a big part of the experience and I am happy to say that we still keep in touch even after coming back from our trip.

