There is so much to reflect on, to be grateful for, and to miss about my experience in India. I have now been back in the States for more than a week and I have had lots of time to think.
The transition back into American lifestyle was easier than expected. However, I do find myself struggling with the question “how was India?” I cannot summarize my experience into a short sentence. My default answer is, “it was amazing!” Which is true, the word “amazing” probably summarizes it nicely, but my experience was also so much more… There are so many ways to describe my experience. It was hot, humid, sweaty, smelly, chaotic, slow-paced, frustrating, spicy, delicious, challenging, thought-provoking, educational, emotional, uncomfortable, joyful, and so much more. I will ever be able to fully explain my time in India.
As I reflect, I realize that my experience would not have been nearly as pleasurable without the incredible people I was with. First of all, I had a GREAT partner, shoutout to Andrea! We got along great and worked together nicely which allowed us to get a lot done for Destiny. She was truly a pleasure to be around for literally 24 hours a day for six straight weeks (not an exaggeration). The ASED interns, who Andrea and I lived with were all wonderful as well. Abby was named the alpha of our group, because according to the boys she called all the shots. I will always remember the lethal combo of Abby and Andrea laughing and crying uncontrollably at what seemed like nothing. Nick is easily one of the nicest people I have ever met. He is a reliable friend, always caring to ask about my day — the highlights and the lowlights. Owen offered constant entertainment for the group with all of his stories and his vast knowledge about random things. Additionally, everyone at the Destiny office was a pleasure to work with, all very welcoming and helpful. All girls and women, who are survivors of trafficking, were empowering and inspiring. Diti and Kushal, who provided us with the apartment, were so hospitable. The FT guys offered a refreshing perspective, I really enjoyed meeting with them in Agra for the Taj Mahal. Even random people on the street were often kind, it was not uncommon for strangers to help us when we got lost in the city.
As I reflect on my time in Kolkata, I am filled with gratitude. I am grateful for such an amazing experience. Thank you to Santa Clara University, the Global Fellows Program, and Tanya Bunger for making this all possible. It was truly an experience of a lifetime.
Here are the highlights of my journey through photographs…