Before the (Bolivian) leap

Sammi Zamora
SCU Global Fellows 2019
3 min readJun 11, 2019

I don’t really know how to start this. Blogging isn’t really my forte, but this is a start as good as any. Threw on some mellow jams… Sitting in the light of a setting sun… Feels right. I should probably start collecting sunsets since I won’t be seeing these same skies for seven weeks.

A week from today, I will be on my way to Bolivia. Part of that still doesn’t seem real. I think I’ve been more ruled by my travel-brain than my adventure-brain when it comes to this fellowship. The reality of what I’m about to experience hasn’t fully registered even after a whole quarter with the Global Fellows program. I’m definitely excited but strangely focused on the travel logistics of it all. That might also be a way of procrastinating studying for Finals. This post isn’t sounding as riveting as I’d like it to be. Let’s shift gears, shall we?

Never in my life did I think I would be able to travel as much as I have these past few years. These opportunities appear as the years come, and I’m really liking how that’s playing out. Upon entering college, I promised myself I’d commit to following my passions. Now, to accomplish this grand task, I decided on doing one thing a day that makes me happy. These little tasks are intended wholeheartedly for me and no one else. They’ve completely changed my life, and it’s now a life that I didn’t know could be possible. With this life philosophy, I take each day as it comes and see where the path takes me. Lately, most days are long and dragging. However, there are a few really good gems here and there. Some days stand out- For example, in the middle of that last sentence I looked outside my window and had to completely stop because the sky looks exactly like those Trix yogurts from forever ago.

Simple things like that transform the day. Or maybe it’s a perfectly timed song that comes on and gives you a sense of nostalgia. Maybe it’s something a friend said that showed you a side of them that’s rarely seen. These subtle signs can go unnoticed but often speak fathoms about what we are shown and what we get to see.

Once I’m in Bolivia, I hope that I am present more than anything. I want to soak in the manifestation of a wish I made long ago: to live in any country for at least a month. Well, now I get 51 days and a second chance to complete a promise I made last year. I’ll keep that one to myself for now, but I’ve mentioned it to others whenever I’ve talked about this fellowship. Hope to share pictures of it later.

To wrap this up, I’ll tell you what I know about what will happen in Bolivia. We arrive, eventually meet host families, and work to open El Museo de las Pumas focusing on the pollution of Lake Titicaca. That’s all I’ve got right now, and I’m okay with that. I look forward to taking in this experience as it comes rather than focusing on every minute detail that might end up distracting me from actually living in this opportunity. Here’s to taking the leap!

There she goes. Down the tracks. Original? Mmmm no. Aesthetic? YES.


Prioritizing answers shuts down your inquiring spirit.

Redefine your definition of success.

Focus on positive action.

XOXO, Global Girl



Sammi Zamora
SCU Global Fellows 2019

SCU Global Fellow — Bolivia // Biology + Environmental Science majors // bouncing around in this beautiful world