Time to fly

Lindsay McConville
SCU Global Fellows 2019
2 min readJul 11, 2019

~1 day until departure

You would think that being one of the last, if not the last group to depart, and continuously reading everyone else’s blogs would leave me feeling ready to hop on the plane and get to The Gambia already. But if I am being entirely honest, I don’t feel ready to leave just yet. It’s not that I don’t feel prepared for the experience or I’m not excited, it’s more the fact that 1) I love Seattle summers 2) I won’t be home for six months because I’m studying abroad directly after (not ideal but how it happened to work out) and 3) I still don’t really know what work I will be doing for Starfish. I’ve tried to let go of this last one and go in with zero expectations, but its been a bit of a challenge to be honest. It’s not that I feel the need to do extensive preparation, but enough people have asked me what I am doing this summer and I’d kind of like to know the specifics myself. When asked about my summer plans, I usually settle for “I’m working for an organization in The Gambia called Starfish International that works to empower Gambian girls through education that is focused on service to humanity”. But this response is always followed by “but what exactly are you doing there?” Usually I respond with a shrug and an “I don’t know yet” and hope whoever I’m talking to doesn’t ask too many more questions or think I’m crazy for going halfway across the world without knowing what I’ll be doing there.

While the Global Fellows program has continuously been on my mind for the past four weeks, it has only been in the past few days that I have really tried to answer questions like why am I embarking on this experience? I’ve come to the conclusion that the world we live in is increasingly more global and developing cultural awareness, empathy, and a better understanding of ourselves are critical aspects of becoming a global citizen. I know this experience will push me far out of my comfort zone. I know it will open my eyes to an entirely different lifestyle and culture, and as such likely challenge my biases/attitudes. I know it will force me to reflect on and contrast my own identities. None of this is comfortable or easy, but that is why I’m doing it. Even with the slight hesitations about leaving, I can say that I am truly looking forward to engaging, connecting, and learning from the people I meet while in The Gambia.

Next step? Finish packing for the Gambian summer and Swedish winter in one suitcase (wish me luck I need it lol).

With love,




Lindsay McConville
SCU Global Fellows 2019

Santa Clara University 21' | 2019 Global Fellow in The Gambia with Starfish International