Scuba Diving Industry Market Report

2023 Was a Good Year for Scuba Diving Markets in the USA and Europe but Not in Asia-Pacific

New 2024 Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Report Published by the Business of Diving Institute

Darcy Kieran (Scuba Diving)
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2024


I generated this weird image with the assistance of AU (Artificial Unintelligence). Don’t look too closely!

Darcy Kieran is the author of a series of handbooks, reference books & logbooks for scuba divers, divemasters, dive instructors & dive industry professionals.

To prepare the 2nd edition of the Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Research Report, I reviewed a lot of dive industry market data.

Every indicator pointed out to the scuba diving industry in Western Europe and the USA having experienced a good year in 2023, except for the number of new entry-level open water certifications. It appears repeat customers are increasingly important for dive centers and resorts in an industry that, historically, has been reliant on new scuba divers.

We noticed similar results in our 2024 State of the Industry (SOTI) market report on the dive industry: “Diving” is becoming more important while dive centers are gradually relying less on selling entry-level scuba diving courses and dive equipment.

Of course, having more entry-level open-water student divers would be preferable, but if we can finally do a better job at keeping current divers active, it will be good for the industry.

In comparison to the first edition published in 2021, the 2024 edition of the Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Research Report includes:

  • Updated dive industry market data
  • More market statistics
  • More accuracy in the scuba diving market statistics

While preparing this updated market size report for the scuba diving industry, we also considered snorkeling, freediving, rebreather diving, and tech diving.

Dive industry market data is hard to find. Some scuba statistics are publicly available, but most dive industry financial and market information is hidden.

We did an extensive search to identify available and reliable market and economic data sources on the scuba diving industry. We summarized it for you, and we analyzed it to determine the size of the scuba diving industry, including the scuba diving equipment market size. It is like a gigantic 3D math puzzle!

This dive industry market report does NOT provide all the answers you want—or I want—because I didn’t make up numbers to justify a fake $5,000 report! I only looked at what was available, did some research, and summarized what we know to be mostly reliable.

The “Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Research Report (2nd Edition): Worldwide Sales of Dive Gear, Scuba Diving Certifications, Dive Travel & Other Dive Shop Services” is available in eBook format on Kindle, Nook, and Google Play and in print on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Lulu.

I hope 2024 is an even better year for dive industry professionals. Wishing you all the best!

Also from Darcy Kieran:

Side note: During your surface intervals, have a look at my novels with a scuba diving twist, starting with “Mystery of The Blue Dragon.”

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Scuba Diving Industry Market Research & Data, Scuba Equipment Global Market Size
Let’s make a good living out of our passion for scuba diving!



Darcy Kieran (Scuba Diving)

Entrepreneur | Author | Radio Announcer | Scuba Diving Instructor Trainer — #ScubaDiving #Tourism — #Miami #Montreal #Marseille