Scuba Diving Industry Market Research

Announcing Market Viz Project (MVP) To Generate Scuba Diving Market Size Reports

Market Research on Scuba Diving Equipment Sales, Dive Training Revenues, and Dive Travel Expenditures

Darcy Kieran (Scuba Diving)
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2023


Darcy Kieran is the author of the reference book “Scuba Diving Industry Market Size & Statistics.”

Original announcement:

We all enjoy a dive with 100 ft/30 m visibility, don’t we?

It would also be delightful for dive business professionals to better understand the factual, precise size of the scuba diving industry. And it is the objective pursued by this new worldwide “Market Viz Project” (MVP) for dive gear, training & travel.

The State Of The (dive) Industry (SOTI) survey provides us with decline, flat, or growth trends. But it doesn’t tell us the actual market size in dollars (or other currencies).

I published an analysis of the size of the scuba diving market with an estimate of the number of active divers, sales of scuba diving equipment, dive training, and dive travel for North America, Europe, and the rest of the world. But it would be valuable to update and validate the data while producing more regional market size data.

Measuring the size of the dive industry's various sectors is a fairly complex task. The only statistically valid way to do so would be to randomly survey the population of a region.

In the USA, the Sports and Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) does such a survey and provides an annual update on the number of active scuba divers. Next, we need to know how much these active scuba divers spend on average annually on dive gear, training, and travel.

But there is a cost to randomly surveying the population. Therefore, we would like to run a test survey before doing so. We will then cross-check the results with other sources of data and prior Business of Diving Institute surveys to fine-tune the questions.

Please participate in the Market Viz Project survey here. This anonymous survey should take you less than 15 minutes to answer. And the whole dive industry thanks you!


This survey is for scuba divers — recreational and technical. We will conduct a study of the snorkeling & freediving markets at a later date.

This study is part of a series of dive industry surveys by the Business of Diving Institute in collaboration with InDepth Magazine with support from DAN Europe, Shearwater, GUE, and most importantly, YOU! Besides participating in this survey, please let us know if you would like to add your name to the official list of supporters.

Also from Darcy Kieran:

Side note: During your surface intervals, have a look at my novels with a scuba diving twist, starting with “Mystery of The Blue Dragon” and “Shadows on Ocean Drive.”

You could help the dive industry by taking part in ongoing dive industry surveys. You will also find results from our past scuba diving market studies here.

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Scuba Diving Industry Market Research & Data, Scuba Equipment Global Market Size
Let’s make a good living out of our passion for scuba diving!



Darcy Kieran (Scuba Diving)

Entrepreneur | Author | Radio Announcer | Scuba Diving Instructor Trainer — #ScubaDiving #Tourism — #Miami #Montreal #Marseille