Press Release

DAN Europe, GUE, and Halcyon Support Dive Industry Market Research by The Business of Diving Institute

Scuba Diving Industry Market Size & Statistics: 2021 Edition

Business of Diving Institute
Published in
4 min readSep 3, 2021


MIAMI — AUGUST 31, 2021: Divers Alert Network (DAN) Europe has joined forces with Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) and Halcyon Dive Systems to support the Business of Diving Institute research on the size of the dive industry.

Reliable scuba diving industry market data is hard to find. Some scuba statistics are publicly available, but most financial and market information is hidden.

Darcy Kieran and the Business of Diving Institute did an extensive search to identify available and reliable market and economic data sources on the scuba diving industry to publish Scuba Diving Industry Market Size & Statistics: 2021 Edition.

Support from DAN Europe, GUE, and Halcyon has allowed the report’s price to be reduced from $89.95 to $9.95 for the Kindle version and $19.95 for the printed version (affiliate links).

About DAN Europe

DAN Europe exists to assist and protect all divers through the most extensive and reliable network of diving physicians worldwide. DAN offers the community numerous pioneering services, including the first-ever insurance designed specifically for divers. DAN conducts scientific research to better understand diving physiology and share that knowledge with the goal of making diving a safer, more accessible activity. DAN also develops first aid educational programs to preserve life, in and out of the water. We recognize the unique beauty and fragility of the Blue Planet, and act as ambassadors for more sustainable practices within our community. More info.

About GUE

Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) represents a global network of GUE communities, empowered by highly refined diver training programs and inspired to explore and conserve the world’s aquatic environments. GUE is a leader in scuba education, developing numerous industry-first training protocols with a global cast of highly knowledgeable professional educators and producing divers of exceptional quality. These educational programs enable divers to enjoy a nearly unlimited range of opportunities, including conservation programs, exploration projects, and documentation adventures. GUE-trained divers are found in far-reaching global communities that offer many social and support opportunities alongside a host of unique and challenging underwater projects. GUE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that uses a small but efficient staff. More info.

About Halcyon Dive Systems

Halcyon began as a group of divers who knew exactly what they wanted but couldn’t find it in a dive store. Our passion for diving led us to design wings and lights to satisfy ourselves. We soon discovered that we were not alone in our pursuit of equipment that could radically improve every diver’s comfort; from the newest recreational diver to supporting divers doing the most aggressive technical dives ever completed. Our founders, owners, and senior management have a long history as diving pioneers with diverse backgrounds, ranging from academia to manufacturing to consulting. They all share one common thread: each of their logbooks records an average of 20 years of diving. More info.

About The Business of Diving Institute

The Business of Diving Institute (BODI) is the brainchild of Darcy Kieran. It started in September 2000, shortly after Darcy purchased his first dive shop. At the time, he was in charge of sales for the largest division of a multi-billion dollar international transport company, and he could not understand the lack of training available to his dive store staff. And even less, the lack of dive industry market data. There were numerous dive training agencies ready to provide support for teaching scuba divers and dive instructors. Still, nobody was providing sales and management training — or any other form of staff training — tailored to the dive industry. It’s to address this issue that The Business of Diving Institute was born.

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Also from Darcy Kieran and The Business of Diving Institute:Reference book: Scuba Diving Industry Market Data & Statistics: 2021 Edition.Guide book: Your Career and/or Life as a Scuba Diving Instructor: How to make a good living out of your passion for scuba diving.Tools: Scuba Proud promotional products to help you recruit more student divers, dive buddies, and instructor candidates.

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Scuba Diving Industry Market Research & Data, Scuba Equipment Global Market Size
Let’s make a good living out of our passion for scuba diving!



Business of Diving Institute

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