Scuba Diving Industry Market Data

Survey Results: Underwater Navigation

Have you been lost underwater while scuba diving? How do you navigate while diving? What types of compass do you use?

Darcy Kieran (Scuba Diving)
Published in
5 min readMar 31, 2024


Darcy Kieran is the author of the 2nd Edition of the Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Research Report and unique advanced logbooks & checklists for scuba divers, divemasters & instructors.

Over the last two months, we conducted an exploratory survey among scuba divers about underwater navigation.

InDepth Magazine and the Business of Diving Institute collaborate on a series of scuba diving industry surveys to better understand where we stand on dive industry issues, identify workable solutions, increase awareness of opportunities, and, most notably, fuel discussions among dive professionals.

We thank the following scuba diving industry leaders for directly supporting this initiative: Shearwater, DAN Europe, and GUE. We also thank all of you who took part in these surveys and studies.

Underwater Navigation Survey Results

Have you ever been lost or couldn’t find your dive buddy, the divers you were guiding, or the boat?

  • Yes: 79%
  • No: 21%

Approximately how many times have you been lost or couldn’t find your dive buddy, the divers you were guiding, or the boat?

Among scuba diver respondents who have been lost at least once, the average number of times being lost is 7.8.

How often do you have a compass with you when scuba diving (any type of compass, whether you use it or not)?

  • Always: 79%
  • Often: 10%
  • About 50/50: 6%
  • Rarely: 5%

What type of compass do you usually dive with?

  • Analog (e.g., wrist compass): 31%
  • Electronic (e.g., with the dive computer): 31%
  • Both at the same time: 37%

How often do you calibrate your electronic compass?

This question was answered by scuba divers who indicated diving with an electronic compass.

  • Before each dive: 4%
  • At a regular frequency: 34%
  • Every now and then: 51%
  • Never: 12%

Has your electronic compass ever led you astray?

This question was answered by scuba divers who indicated diving with an electronic compass.

  • Yes: 31%
  • No: 69%

Do you have a compass on your dive computer but never use it?

  • Yes: 37%
  • No: 63%

For those who indicated never using the compass on their dive computer: Why did you never use the compass on your dive computer? (Select all that apply)

  • I don’t trust it: 11%
  • It’s too complicated: 9%
  • I prefer to keep my computer screen on dive computer functions: 70%
  • Other: 32%

Among the “other reasons,” there was battery life, knowing that it was not calibrated, and the compass screen turning itself off.

How is your main compass mounted during your dive?

  • Console: 5%
  • Wrist: 89%
  • Retractor: 3%
  • DPV: 2%

For underwater navigation, how do you use the bathymetry of the dive site (e.g., ‘wall on the right,’ note the direction of the current)?

  • It is my main method of navigating (without a compass): 27%
  • It is my main method of navigating, but I also use a compass: 66%
  • I mainly use a compass, but I also use the bathymetry of the dive site: 16%
  • I do not use the bathymetry of the dive site: 1%

How well does the following statement apply to you? “I do not feel comfortable navigating underwater and will only dive with a guide I can follow.”

  • 100% applies to me: 2%
  • 50–99% applies to me: 9%
  • 1–49% applies to me: 21%
  • Does not apply to me: 68%

When preparing to dive at a new site, how do you find information to prepare for navigating the site? (Select all that apply)

  • Dive professionals knowledgeable about the site but not at the dive site on that day: 61%
  • Dive professionals on the dive site (e.g., divemaster on a dive boat): 79%
  • Online research: 71%
  • Books (e.g., dive guides): 51%
  • Slates about the dive site: 36%
  • Boating charts: 39%

Have you ever used more sophisticated underwater navigation systems (e.g., GPS/Sonar/USBL/SBL/LBL/Inertial Guidance System)?

  • Yes: 19%
  • No: 81%

Among those who answered yes to the previous question: Did you buy a U/W navigation system?

  • Yes: 27%
  • No: 73%

Have you ever used a vocal U/W communication system?

  • Yes: 26%
  • No: 74%

Among those who answered yes to the previous question: Did you use the U/W communication system to help with U/W navigation?

  • Yes: 23%
  • No: 77%

Among those who answered yes to having used a U/W communication system: Did you buy one?

  • Yes: 27%
  • No: 73%

Who participated in our exploratory survey on underwater navigation?

134 scuba divers answered the survey. Each diver had done 1,389 dives on average.

The Type of Diving Survey Respondents Do

  • Cave Diving: 39%
  • Rebreather Diving: 29%
  • Tech Diving (other than cave & rebreather): 62%
  • Scientific Diving: 24%
  • None of the above: 24%

The Percentage of Survey Respondents Who Were Dive Instructors

  • Recreational Dive Instructor: 46%
  • Tech Diving Instructor (incl. cave & rebreather): 20%
  • Public Safety Diving Instructor: 2%
  • None of the above: 50%

The Region of Residence of Survey Respondents

  • USA (incl. AK & HI): 44%
  • Western Europe: 26%
  • Australia & New Zealand: 7%
  • Canada: 7%
  • Rest of the World: 16%

The Age Group of Survey Respondents

  • 1946–1954 (Boomers I): 12%
  • 1955–1964 (Boomers II/Generation Jones): 16%
  • 1965–1980 (Gen X): 30%
  • 1981–1996 (Millennials): 33%
  • 1997–2012 (Gen Z): 9%

The Gender of Survey Respondents

  • Male: 85%
  • Female: 13%
  • Non-Binary/Other/Prefer Not To Say: 1%

Also of possible interest to you:

Side note: During your surface intervals, have a look at novels with a scuba diving twist, starting with “Mystery of The Blue Dragon.”

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Darcy Kieran (Scuba Diving)

Entrepreneur | Author | Radio Announcer | Scuba Diving Instructor Trainer — #ScubaDiving #Tourism — #Miami #Montreal #Marseille