SCU Faculty, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Lead Clinician Profiled in D-H Today

Jaqueline Faria
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2019
Photography by Mark Washburn

SCU is proud to participate in a ground-breaking spine care partnership with Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) in New Hampshire. The Spine Care Project is an innovative approach to the treatment of spine-related injuries which promises higher value, more cost-effective, patient-centered outcomes. SCU adjunct clinical assistant professor, Justin Goehl, DC, MS is the lead clinician for the Spine Care Project.

Dr. Goehl underwent advanced training in the Primary Spine Care model, and recently completed his residency at the Veterans Affairs Hospital (VA) in Los Angeles. He received a high recommendation for the lead clinician role from Associate Vice President for SCU Health System Dr. Robb Russell, who served as Dr. Goehl’s clinical supervisor at the VA. Once completing his VA residency, Dr. Goehl served at the SCU Health Center as a Clinical Fellow in Primary Spine Care. With recommendations from Drs. Whedon and Russell, Dr. Goehl successfully applied for the position at Dartmouth and received an appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor of Community and Family Medicine. He is responsible for seeing patients with spine-related disorders seen at DHMC’s flagship Primary Care Center at Heater Road in Lebanon, New Hampshire.

Almost a year after his appointment at DHMC, Dr. Goehl is profiled, in the D-H Today employee newsletter. Read more

