What do Millennials expect when it comes to Customer Experience?

Scup Global
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2017

Minimizing customer effort is key to a quality service.

Millennials, or Generation Y, is what those born between the mid-1980s and mid-1990s are called — a generation that saw the Internet grow to the point of inserting human beings into a cloud of dense and diffused information. These individuals, determined and demanding by nature, became used to digital processes and services, and are today a target audience that challenge companies to create increasingly outstanding Customer Experiences. How, then, do you meet their expectations?

Demands have barely changed in relation to previous generations: agility, efficacy, transparency, respect, a wide variety of options to choose from allowing the customer to feel in control. The novelty is the level and volume of these factors, which need to be greater.

To achieve this, it is necessary to minimize customer effort during relationship processes. Having the customer’s record with information on their last contacts at the tip of your tongue is essential. According to a study released by Harvard Business Review, there are other points that can help you on this mission. Below is a summary of some of these points — find the path to excellence when providing a service to customers.

Think about the future
Beware of over focusing on time. This anxiety about solving issues as soon as possible may make you overlook details, obligating the customer to contact your brand again;

Tailor the service
There are companies that dedicate whole teams to identifying the customer’s profile via pre-established criteria, enabling them to be served by the right department and at the appropriate pace in order to meet their expectations. This can reduce stressful situations and increase the rate of calls resolved first time round;

Learn from mistakes
This is the best way to prevent future errors, and, most importantly, contributes towards the customer’s brand loyalty. Also, an error that is acknowledged and shared shows transparency and pleases the customer.

Remember that every mistake made with Millennials can have double the impact, and can irreversibly compromise the relationship on first contact. In order to better organize processes, bet on digital service Management Tools, which optimize your time and will contribute to the formation of a team that’s better prepared to resolve service challenges on a case-by-case basis.

