Voices In My Head | Human Trafficking

A Butterfly of Hope

A Free Verse Poem

Sam Aureli
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2023


Charcoal Drawing by Author, circa 2019

Battered and bruised, she bears
the weight of the world upon her shoulders.
Deeply ensconced within her brown eyes,
burns an unimaginable sorrow that would
break one’s faith in humanity.

She resides in the shadows; her cries
swallowed by the darkness. Breathing
in silence, her chest rises and falls,
yet her heart ceased its beat long ago,
a death by a thousand pricks.

Wolves descended, cloaked
in the guise of love, pillaging her youth.
Innocence, a forsaken relic in a world
that had long forgotten her, was
mercilessly torn apart by rabidness.

Yet, amidst the darkness, hope alighted
upon her like a butterfly, whispering
a melody of liberation. She embodies
resilience, shattering the cocoon’s
confines and emerging newly adorned.

