A Moonlit Flight of Feel Good Spirits

A linked cinquain

William J Spirdione


Photo by William J Spirdione

A touch of pleasantness, a breeze
this moonlit night, a pretty sight.
The strains of life don’t stand a chance.
I shouldn’t stay. I nearly might.
I’m feeling better. Help me please!

I look around. It sure looks bright.
The moon stares down. I steal a glance
while feel good spirits fill the air
as clouds rolled by the branches dance
with leaves a fluttering tonight.

Beside the pond a toad romance
lay croaking by the moonlight’s glare.
Think, could that moon be made of cheese?
It’s time to go. It’s just not fair.
My mood’s improved. I’ll take that chance.



William J Spirdione

William J Spirdione is a poet who writes sonnets and more about nature and the humans within it.